Danni & Toni 5 Customer Reviews & (5/5) Ratings of Dannitoni.com

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Rummmor stands out as a unique shopping community web app. We're a group of smart shoppers focusing on helpful reviews, shopping experiences, and curated savings. Our members have the opportunity to earn rewards by sharing their Danni & Toni shopping insights, guides, coupons, and tips while helping others save money. With Rummmor, you might discover how to get the best shopping experiences at Danni & Toni and other favorite online stores. Be part of the excitement with us right now—it's totally free!

Find out why Danni & Toni honest reviews are best available on this page:

  • Active Danni & Toni community. Over the past month, 0 members of our Danni & Toni community have contributed by sharing Danni & Toni customer reviews. In the last 30 days, our community has been helped by 0 shopper opinions and ratings of shopping at dannitoni.com.
  • Community-driven Danni & Toni reviews. Our community members shared 5 feedbacks on shopping experience at dannitoni.com. Share your Danni & Toni review, and you may be eligible for a reward point if other shoppers find it helpful.
  • Honest Danni & Toni reviews. We currently have 5 trusted reviews for Danni & Toni, some shared with images to make the review more independent and trustworthy. You can also read the 0 pinned reviews which may be helpful.

Danni & Toni customer reviews

5 / 5 (5 ratings)

The only nail varnish stickers​ i LOVE !!

Not gonna lie, Danni & Toni is one of the best stores if you wanna shop for gel nail polish and lamp. There are so many options and that's what I hate because it makes me CANT STOP shopping 😭 Also, they have the best lamp for gel nails (for free)!!!


  • Pretty and adorable nail gels and strips
  • Good store for nail salon pedicure​
  • Various deals and offers (i got many)
nail lamp gel nails nail varnish stickers gel nail polish

Useful for 1 Shoppers


Received my pedicure nail strips in 3 days!

I certainly didn't expect my purple glitter nail polish and custom nail wraps to come so quickly. It was my neighbor (Elsa) who introduced me to this shop. She already has a huge collection and I don't want to lose to her on this one :D. Great order overall 💞


  • Pretty cutie nail polish and stickers
  • Fast delivery
  • Worth the price
custom nail wraps purple glitter Order neighbor fast delivery pedicure nail wraps nail polish nail strips

Useful for 0 Shoppers


Here's what i LOVE about my neon nail polish 💅

Neon color nails have been my favorite for a long time. When I found out Danni & Toni was selling them at a bargain price (and lots of discounts), I didn't want to miss out. The colors are beautiful, safe on the nails, and easy to apply. After this, I wanna try semi cured gel toe nail strips.


  • Pretty and easy to put on
  • Superrr cheap
  • Different colors make me love it even more


  • Some products sold out pretty fast
easy to apply Safe bargain price Discounts nail polish neon nail polish

Useful for 0 Shoppers


It's the best nail strips for wide nails

My wide nails usually have difficulty finding good nail strips that fit. But Danni & Toni are the exception. My nails look even prettier with the neon green nail color I received 2 days ago. After this, I might try neon pink nail polish or purple glitter nail polish.


  • Great and beautiful nails
  • All my fav colors are here
  • The result look very good
  • Plenty of product choices


  • Lagging web
nail polish neon nail color wide nails nail strips

Useful for 0 Shoppers


Didn't expect the nail remover worked effortlessly

This nail remover is the best product from other brands that I've tried. I've tried two cheaper brands on eBay, but they didn't work well and damaged the nails. But Danni & Toni is a lifesaver! Honestly, it's worth the extra few bucks. I want to explore more products from this brand. I heard they also send a free pair of manicure scissors with every set delivery? Sounds interesting.


  • They gave me discount
  • The liquid protects my natural nail
  • No odor
  • Fast delivery service


  • It was a bit hard to use the free lamp coupon code
good product worth it Free Product nail remover

Useful for 0 Shoppers

Danni & Toni review FAQ

Is Danni & Toni legit?

With a rating score of 5 out of 5 from 5 customer reviews on Rummmor, Danni & Toni is most likely a legitimate, safe, and trustworthy merchant. This aggregate rating is based on reviews we have collected from members. The Rummmor team manages the system and does its best to minimize and eliminate fake reviews.

However, it is better to read all of the Danni & Toni reviews and find out for yourself whether Danni & Toni is really a legit shop and safe for shopping. The decision to shop at dannitoni.com is yours, Rummmor is not responsible for your purchase.

What is the best alternative to Danni & Toni?

What is best selling on Danni & Toni?

Where is Danni & Toni located?

How to contact Danni & Toni?

What is Danni & Toni refund and return policy?

Are nail strips from Danni & Toni safe for nails?

How many nail strip collections available on Danni & Toni's website?

About our Danni & Toni reviews

Today, we have 5 verified Danni & Toni reviews available for dannitoni.com, allowing you to make a smarter buying decision. On average, shoppers rate 4.8 for ordering, 5 for pricing, 5 for service, & 5 for delivery when purchasing at Danni & Toni.